
I made these “reminder sign” images last year; but I’d like to make them available to all.

Many bags Grocery Outlet Bag Many incl Save Mart

Here’s the Dot Earth Action page with info on them.

Who’s running the “climate inactivism” wurlitzer?

I still don’t know as much as I’d like, but  I wrote up* what I have found behind one inactivism-promoting nugget, over here at Daily Kos.

I provide an algorithm, a script and some results to quantitatively distinguish between a list of contrarians and a list of true “global warming experts”.

(alas it’s not all automated, you still have to – type name, hit search, select, copy, paste – for each name you check. Does anyone know how to accrete Greasemonkey results, or run multiple searches from within the same instance of the script?)

He was on, I called in, then transcribed and annotated.

(Six months later* – the annotations are wrapped up. Many belated thanks to commenters for their contributions.)

Take-home message from the experience: callers would do well to be better prepared, and guests would do well not to lose their cool.

(This is a test post-via-email, using a newly-set-up account  at http://www.Posterous.com.)

Here is a photo spread of ExxonMobil ads, mostly? all? from the NYTimes; “The ads shown in that picture . . . the large majority of them were over a one-week period!”

“Not a typical week. But, that said, they do run ads (half-page, quarter page, etc.) frequently.”

Thanks to Jeff H for the photo!

Posted by email from dotearthaction’s posterous

Jeff Huggins took action, conceiving, writing, funding and placing a message in the weekly newspaper of the Harvard Business School.  Read his account here (which includes a link to the “Talking Back to ExxonMobil” Advertorial itself (PDF))

And you?  What actions can you take?  Use your imagination…
(… and report here)


Dick Purcell said:

… there is still and will long remain too much confusion about the priorities: what dangers are greatest? How colossally great? (Very.) What actions best to reduce them soonest? We still need to zero in on what to focus on …

Your thoughts?

This blog is intended to facilitate our moving out of being enmired in blog comment back-and-forth, and into making a difference.
(Some of us already tried a (private) pbwiki but it petered out _very_ rapidly and was, in retrospect, pretty much a waste of time. (my idea, natch…))

fyi, I also – months back – set up a local site, a web forum, for climate action, NevadaCountyCAN.org – which in retrospect was poor judgment, the scale’s too small (mine is a small, semi-rural community) – I found myself the only one contributing, and next to no one was reading.
(and yes, this could have been because of what I was contributing)

So I’m an expert in how *not* to do these things…

there’s also 350.org for action, which is aimed at the (very general) public.

I want the Daily Kos for climate change activism.

Anna here.

I wrote Dot Earth Defender, a 2000+ line [now-defunct] script that runs with your browser (Firefox, with Greasemonkey add-on) to transform the comments section at Dot Earth from a modern-day La Brea Tar Pits to – we hope – a locus for collective action.

There’s now a separate page for Dot Earth Defender on this (dotearthaction) site, with more info.